Wednesday, February 20, 2008

MN in MN

MN: Please forgive my tardiness on this. I was visiting my mother, and the risk of leaving a cookie crumb behind on her computer that would lead her straight to us was just too much chance to take.

You may not know this, but I read your blog every day. I think about you throughout the evening and wonder how you are doing. I imagine creating a voo-doo doll in PN's likeness and jamming the rectal area with sharp little pins.

You know why I am not voting for Hillary? There are several reasons, but here is one that is relevant to this situation: She took shit from her husband that no woman should take, just to further her career. Let's face it. Her husband, while brilliant and possibly an excellent President, humiliated her and her daughter in front of the world. On more than one occasion. And he lied about it, dragging her along with him. I can understand that, while he was Prez, she may not have felt she could dump his ass. But once that part was over, kick that sorry pile to the curb. If she couldn't do it for herself, then what about as an example to her daughter of what NOT to take from a man.

How does this relate to you? Because I am a firm believer that marriage vows are only valid when both parties adhere to them. Marriage may have been created as a lopsided biblical institution designed to enslave women, provide for their economic survival, and offer them protection from roaming bands of wolves, but it's not that anymore. It's a partnership. Takes two to tango, etc. I don't know what your marriage vows contained, but mine did not say, "I promise to take whatever shit you can dish out, allow you to call me names, drive you around so you can get shit-faced when I'm 15-months pregnant, give you all my money to buy darts, clean up your crusty blue underwear, and accept racist and bigoted behavior from your family."

If you did happen to state those vows, then I guess you're screwed. But if you went with the usual "love, honor, respect" thing, then you're free and clear.

So please know that you are doing the right thing. You are doing the only viable thing. You are doing the strong thing. You are doing the sensible thing. You are doing the motherly thing. And we got your back.


beavis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
beavis said...

Hi I deleted the previous comment b/c I forgot to add a bunch of other stuff before pressing PUBLISH YOUR COMMENT. Grrr.

1)MN, I too read your blog. I ache for you, ACHE my dear. I totally agree w/FingKASIL. You are fierce and you've got a force-field of anti-bullshit matter covering LN that will mitigate anything negative generated from PN and his detritus, yes even his family.

2)FingKASIL, THANK YOU THANK YOU for putting in writing precisely what I've been saying for months and months privately about HRC.

Bluntly speaking, who you literally share your bed with speaks volumes about your integrity, courage and strength of character. There is no such thing as relativism when it comes to the very sacred (and I mean that in a secular way, because the secular IS sacred) relationship known as a family.


Tarz said...

Hello Fingkasil,

Thanks for your comment on my blog. Please pardon my ign'ance, but are you somehow related to Half Mama? I am trying to figure out the connection.

Also - I did not know that you lived in SF. Would love to meet up some time. You can email me at twiz at comcast dot net.

Hope to hear from you.


Mama Nabi said...

I *heart* you. That's all I have to say - if I said more, the comment would get too mushy and it'd make everyone gag...
