Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Now things are getting interesting

So you know how Booper has started at his new pre-K? You don't? Oh. Go ahead and read back a few posts and you'll see it. Don't worry. I'll wait.

Okay, all caught up? Let's move on then. The summer is a strange time to start a new school because there are a handful of new kids from around the city, along with a smattering of veterans who are poised to start kindergarten in a few weeks. I have been getting to know the names and faces of his new classmates, cuz I'm funny like that. A couple weeks ago, during pick-up, I met one of his new pals and the new pal's Dad. I couldn't shake the feeling that Dad looked familiar, and he definitely oozed charisma. Since I pride myself on being someone who never forgets a face, I was determined to get to the bottom of it.

I have since figured it out. Dad is a sort-of celebrity around these parts. There are plenty of boring reasons why he is well-known, but the memorable reason is that he was part of a big political scandal in the city last year. Without "outing" them totally, I think it's safe to say that his wife (who is GORGEOUS) was having an affair with an uber-famous person, who also happened to be the Dad's friend. This bombshell came to light because the Mom was in rehab and had to make amends for all her transgressions, which involved confessing the affair.

At the time that I heard this story, I was as fascinated as the next person by the salacious, Shakespearean drama. Now that I have met their son, however, the whole thing seems sad and confusing. I saw Mom dropping off the son at school the other day, and she looked harried, frazzled, and overwhelmed, just like most of us. No sign of the picture-perfect movie star good looks that were featured in the news last year. Just a mom, trying to see her son off at school. Difference is, she is struggling with a substance abuse problem that is a matter of public record. For all I know, lots of the other parents have addiction issues, but they get to keep theirs secret. And believe me, there are days when I would certainly give serious consideration to a dry martini and a couple lines. It was a fairly standard means of escape for me to fantasize about the single life, once I found myself fully immersed in marriage and motherhood. Not that I really wanted it back, just that I enjoyed the mental vacation that those fantasies provided.

So while it's easy to get all judgy-wudgy on her, I will use my blog forum to be the first to say, "Sister, I feel you."


Anonymous said...

Ooh ooh ooh... I know who you are talking about! I don't know why, but I find the SF political soap operas fascinating to read about. Maybe because I met the uber-famous person.


Mama Nabi said...

Okay... my interest has peaked!!!!

WHO are these people??