Thursday, October 4, 2007

Reveal Yourself?

Booper likes to play a little game at night after his bath. Once Daddy has toweled him off, he runs downstairs in the buff and jumps on the couch next to me, yelling "Here is your nude dude!" He is very sad if he doesn't get a chance to do this at night.

This morning, I was getting dressed for work and Booper was hanging out with me in my room. He is now 4 years old and in the throes of ,what I believe is, his Oedipal phase. I was standing there in my "altogether" and realized that maybe he is getting to the age when I shouldn't allow him to see me like that anymore. I told him, "Booper...when it starts to make you feel weird or uncomfortable to see me without my clothes on, just tell me. I'll stop doing it, okay?" He said, "I will never feel weird to see you without your clothes on, Mommy."

Sometimes it's purely a logistical issue. I am home alone with both boys in the morning getting myself ready for work and them ready for school. I'm bound to be naked at some point in this process, but need to keep the door open so I can keep an eye on them.

And all this got me to thinking....

What's the consensus out there? Do you still let your (male) kids see you naked? If not, why not? And at what age did you stop? Did you see your parents naked when you were a kid? At what age did you stop seeing your opposite sex parent naked, and how did you feel about it?


Kady said...

Growing up in a very traditional chinese family, I NEVER saw either of my parents without clothes on. The first time I saw my mother without a shirt on (but with bra) was probably when I was college age, in a communal dressing room.

I'm lucky to not have your problem since I have 2 girls. But my husband has never and would never go pantless in front of them - but then, he's a bit of a prude.

If I had to take a stab at it, I'd say sometime in early elementary school? When they start playing the sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G game?


Anonymous said...

I'm curious to see what others say. Buddy has quite a fascination with boobs. Stares at me when I change. The whole bra thing completely mesmerizes him.

Then again, he is a bit of a starer.

However, we've noticed that he takes pictures of boobs with that camera you gave him. Not sure if it's intentional or not, but it's funny. No head, no legs, just torso.

With the two of them taking baths together, they are not as curious, I think. But I'm wondering at what age they should stop doing that.

If I ever saw my parents naked, I have fully and completely blocked it out of my mind, thank you very much.

Sarah said...

I still see my mother naked. And vice versa. Although I guess after having breast surgery and she took care of me, it was to be excpected. We're just weird like that.

My father? Can't remember, don't want to, so that tells me before the age of 4, they put the kibosh on the nakey daddy game.

Mama Nabi said...

I don't think I ever saw my dad naked... PN refuses (and has always refused) to let LN see him in the shower. I don't know - I dated a guy whose mom flashed him quite often and that was disturbing...
LN and I often enjoy showers together... :-)