I had a dream last night that I was hanging out with Brad Pitt, Angelina, George Clooney, and their pals. I said something sycophantic and dumb, then worried that they thought I was a loser. When I woke up to the sensation of Booper climbing on top of me to snuggle, I felt a momentary sense of relief, thinking that my reputation with them was still clean. Wow! What a break! Because you know I am going to be meeting them any day now.
Not much else is new with us. The most recent round of waiting pool list has been run, and still no spot for Booper in Korean Immersion. Our final shot will come on September 8th, when they run the "10-day count." Then it's do or die time. Assuming that doesn't pan out, we will be entering the fray again come September, this time with private schools in the mix. We don't really want a private school--nor can we afford it, especially with the Caboose set to start one year after Booper--but I feel that I can leave no stone unturned. Once I'm in the thick of this, I will institute a Whine Alert level so you can avoid any posts that are really nothing more than one long kvetch-a-thon.
Meanwhile, Booper is blossoming in his pre-K and we have not heard hide nor hair of Veruca. She is so last week. He has made a passel of new friends and she is still moping in the corner, sucking her thumb. I am planning Booper's birthday party, and I asked him if he would like to invite her, to which he replied, "definitely not." Okay, then. I noticed that when I picked him up from school the other day, a female classmate shouted, "Booper! I love you!" as we were packing up. What can I tell you? The kid takes after me.
You know what else is great? Halfmama is coming to visit us this weekend. With the twins. And G. Aren't you jealous?
Well, no wonder... that Booper is quite the handsome one.
Am keeping fingers crossed. That last bit - was that for me? Low blow, FingKASIL... apparently I have to marry into the family to merit visits to MY home. YES, I am jealous...
So cute - "definitely not"... good boundaries. Unlike my mom who forced me to be friends with EVERYONE.
Wishing you lots and lots of luck getting into the Korean immersion, and maybe one or two KDS at the administrators.
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