Monday, July 28, 2008's personal

This past weekend, Booper had his first "soccer practice" with his new team in the local micro soccer league. He was anticipating it greatly. Turns out, Veruca is also on the team, though this did not keep Booper from enjoying himself greatly. The coach is a mom we know well, assisted by her husband. They are parents to two gorgeous Hapa girls that Booper knows from preschool. The younger one is a rascal, full of energy and spirit. She has, however, developed the unfortunate habit of calling kids "dooshy." Say it out loud. Not good. Where she got this, I don't know, but we are putting the serious kabosh on it at our house. Veruca's Dad (VD) is also an assistant coach. Booper likes him a lot (??) and I noticed him spontaneously hug VD on more than one occasion.

That was all well and good until VD crossed the line. As we were packing up to go, Booper revealed that we were heading home to watch the Yankees vs. Red Sox on the TiVo. VD, who is a native Californian, told Booper that he should absolutely root for the Sox. Clearly, the man does not have an allegiance to the Sox, he just wants to annoy me. He was filling my son with all kinds of crazy ideas, such that, when we returned home, Booper was cheering for the Sox for the first 3 innings. He kept saying to me, " it okay for me to cheer for the Sox? I can choose any team I want, right? The Giants aren't playing, so I am cheering for the Red Sox."

I know, I know. He can pick his own team, if he decides he really likes a team. Heck, my Dad was a Dodgers fan. Brooklyn Dodgers. But they moved away and broke his heart, so he was forced to choose another home team for us, and he picked the Yankees. He sometimes held his nose to do it, but he did it just the same. That's how baseball works. It's inherited. So I fully expect him to like the Giants, being an SF kid and all. I can work with that. But I absolutely will not tolerate this indiscriminate cheering for the Red Sox. While you're living in my house--the house that Ruth built--you will follow my rules.

I can't tell you how disturbing it was to watch my son's gorgeous, pure lips form the words, "Go Sox!" I imagine this is how it will feel the first time I hear him use the F word (and I don't mean fart.) I had to walk away. This may sound crazy to those of you who do not have a passion for any sports team in particular, but it was absolutely driving me ape shit. So much so, that I turned off the game and watched it after the boys were in bed. (The Yankees won, heh heh heh.) Now VD is on my list. It's bad enough that you are raising an ill-mannered and snotty little princess, but don't fuck with my family traditions. We are New York baseball fans in my house. And while my husband and I may forever disagree on the relative merits of the Mets or the Yankees, there is one thing upon which we always agree: We hate the Red Sox. Sometimes, just to keep in shape, we hate the Celtics and the Patriots, too.

In an effort to expel the bad taste of that experience, we are showcasing the Caboose and his new Karaoke machine. This was a gift from his Harabuji. It's pretty popular with all of us, though. Last night, I was throwing a little BP in the yard with the boys, and Daddy used it to "announce" the batters as we approached the plate.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if we can be SILs anymore. You know... because of G. But he might look the other way just so we can see this little man sing some more. G-D CUTE.

FingKASIL said...

Ahem...isn't G from Rochester? Last time I checked, that's in New York.

Whatevs...can we compromise and say Go Cubbies?

Mama Nabi said...

I am a Yankees fan... mostly because George Kostanza worked for the Yankees. And yes, I do realize that Georgie is not really my friend, that he's Jerry's friend... and that he's on TV... Still. Good enough reason for me.

Haha... there are days when I am tempted to teach LN to say "Go Vikings"... THING would have a conniption. But I do realize that would be the MEANEST thing for me to do, even meaner than divorcing him.

honglien123 said...

Screw the Sox! Go Yankees! And I'm an A's fan. There's only one thing worse than the Red Sox and that's their fans (they friggin' crowd out the A's fans when they come to our field!) Normally, I'm just an RSS lurker, but I totally had to comment on this one. VD (great acronym and perfectly apt) would be on my list too.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Rochester but he was born in Boston, and lived there until he was 4 I think? And they went to the Cape every summer... blah blah blah. Those fans are the biggest group of whiners. Lord, if I had to hear one more time the whining about how much money the Yankees have... good grief. Get over it.

Although I did like Fever Pitch. There's something about Jimmy Fallon that cracks me up.