Monday, October 1, 2007

Where the Wild Things Are

In case you haven't checked out his blog, linked to this page, I want to introduce you to my friend Max.

I've known Max since kindergarten, when we became best friends. We were inseparable. If you think of the kid that is best friends with your kid, that was me and Max. We stayed that way until 5th grade, when the unique and confusing pressures of junior high conspired to put distance between us. We were in a play together in high school, but once we went off to college, we fell completely out of touch.

For the last year or so, I have been lucky enough to have Max back in my life. But he is not doing well. Right now, he is asking everyone and anyone to put their spiritual energy behind him to bring him comfort, relief, and an end to what has been 41 years of unbelieve suffering, often in secret. If you pray to anything or anyone, and you have room in there for one more, please include Max. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are back in touch with him. I hope that he finds solace in his life. What an incredibly difficult and ardous life he has had -- I am in awe of his strength.

(I couldn't find his blog though...)

honglien123 said...

Max sounds like an incredible person. That's wonderful that you were able to get back in touch with him. Being Buddhist, I was taught to believe that how we persevere and deal with the hardships of this life will be reflected in the next. If it's at all true, karma will definitely reward Max in the next life. It's small consolation for all the pain one goes through in this life, but it's a thought that's kept me sane on many occasions. Good luck to Max, Tamara, and their little ones.