In other exciting news, The Caboose pooped in the potty last night. A completely unprovoked and spontaneous act of dumpage. I guess preschool and the Booper have inspired him to get on board with the commode. I'm sure I looked like a total idiot dancing around the house, carrying a piece of Baby Bjorn molded plastic filled with sh*t, but a mother's love knows no bounds. He looked so cute sitting there, with his book, that I took his picture and now have photo documentation of his first foray into getting a fax from Mr. Brown. You know that's getting whipped out on prom night!
I'm delurking from across the Pacific. Love to read about Caboose & Booper's adventures; why do other poeople's children always seem more precocious/adorable/mild-mannered than your own? My little fish are at their best when they're fast asleep.
This reminded me of a recent 'Jon and Kate Plus Eight' (if you haven't watched this yet, it's really a must-see; my mouth is gaped throughout the whole show).
Anyway, she took pictures of her kids' first dumpage, with the kids waving at the camera next to the potty. Cracked me up. And grossed me out, all at the same time.
Yo! De-lurking from WAY across the pond in Oakland.
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