Later that evening, the moms from Booper's class all met for Korean food at a local restaurant. This particular establishment has a program in place where they donate 20% of your bill to the Korean Immersion Program. We had a private room in the back. Lots of laughing, eating, and planning ensued and we were there for nearly 3 hours. When I arrived home, the Handyman said, "I have this vision of you sitting at the table with, like, 8 Korean women." I told him, "You're close. It was me and 11 Korean women." And I loved it! Some of the moms speak hardly any English. Some speak hardly any Korean. Some are fully bilingual. And all are thrilled to pieces to have gotten our kids into this wonderful program. The feeling of community is inspiring.
I brought home some leftover kolbi, which was served the following evening for dinner and quickly devoured. I went to the Korean Market yesterday and bought some more to serve for dinner tonight. Check me out, getting all Jewrean on yo a$$. I asked the Handyman the other night, "so...you didn't start out married to a Korean woman, but it looks like you're going to end up that way. How's that going for you?"
(shedding tears of jealousy over here...)
Looks fabulous... I'm keeping my fingers crossed for one to open here... Pretty soon, you're going to be MORE Korean than I. Dammit!
this is awesome! on a side note, I pointed out these photos to W and he was so excited!
I might attempt to put him in his hanbok next week when we go to Flushing.
thank you so much for posting the photos.
Awe! The kids are so cute! I'm jealous too!
That looks so FUN!!! I can't say that I will ever have anything like that in my little city. the photos are wonderful!!
wonder what people would think of my oldest in his hanbok. Blonde har and blue eyes inherited from my father! LOL
These photos are adorable! (I think you know my friend Grace & her son Robbie? I sent her your blog b/c her son is also in the immersion program. What a small world!)
hi there! can i ask where the preschool is? i'm in the bay area and would love to get info about the school!
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