Booper is quite the Romeo at preschool. There are a few girls who have targeted him for matrimony and Prince duty. I know these girls are into the Princess thing (Ariel, Belle, etc.), so I chalked this up to the Disney effect. Plus Booper is a gentle soul with a beautiful face, so what's not to love? Booper didn't seem bothered by it, so I let it ride, even when I arrived at school to see these girls draped all over him, hugging and kissing him. Once I even saw their ringleader standing there with her hand on his ass. I am not kidding. (and yes, we had a parent/teacher conversation about that last one.)
In the last few weeks, though some of these girls have turned on him and started teasing him about whatever they could find. The ringleader, Veruca Salt here, is rather a spoiled brat, so I think she was annoyed at Booper for not always giving in to her demands and requests. The Boop is a sensitive guy, though, so he just got his feelings hurt and even dissolved in tears in my lap one afternoon after a particularly brutal session.
Come to find out that this bunch of girls has also been picking on another of Booper's classmates, a little girl we love, who I will call Sophia. When Sophia first came to school, one of the Princess Posse was pinching her every day and leaving bruises! That has subsided, but there has been consistent teasing and ostracizing of sweet Sophia. We found this out because last night Booper had a sleepover at Sophia's house, and her parents were sharing their stories with us. In fact, we joked about how Sophia is going to be in deep doo-doo when the Princess Posse finds out that she had Booper all to herself for an entire night.
This morning, I was dropping the Caboose off at school and I ran into the Princess Posse. Veruca asked me, "Where's Booper?"
I said, "He slept over at Sophia's last night, and her Daddy is dropping him off later."
Veruca: "What?" (crestfallen look on face.)
Me: "He slept over at Sophia's house last night and her father is going to drop them off in a little while."
V: "Really?" (stricken look on face.)
Me: "Yup. Really."
I am so petty, but I have to admit that I took great satisfaction in delivering this piece of news to Veruca. Mostly because she has been giving Booper such a hard time lately with the teasing and, on his behalf, I wanted to exact some small measure of revenge. But also because of what they have been doing to Sophia. It is small of me, I know. But there it is. I fully expect to receive a sleepover invitation from Veruca's parents round about 8 p.m. tonight, a.k.a. first available opportunity. Not because they want Booper to sleep over, but because they want to give Veruca what she wants. Well, Booper is nobody's Wonka Bar, so we are prepared to gently turn them down. Can you believe we are dealing with this already?
Veruca: "What?" (crestfallen look on face.)
Me: "He slept over at Sophia's house last night and her father is going to drop them off in a little while."
V: "Really?" (stricken look on face.)
Me: "Yup. Really."
I am so petty, but I have to admit that I took great satisfaction in delivering this piece of news to Veruca. Mostly because she has been giving Booper such a hard time lately with the teasing and, on his behalf, I wanted to exact some small measure of revenge. But also because of what they have been doing to Sophia. It is small of me, I know. But there it is. I fully expect to receive a sleepover invitation from Veruca's parents round about 8 p.m. tonight, a.k.a. first available opportunity. Not because they want Booper to sleep over, but because they want to give Veruca what she wants. Well, Booper is nobody's Wonka Bar, so we are prepared to gently turn them down. Can you believe we are dealing with this already?
Ugh... I detest princess posses. Poor Sophia... I am getting some satisfaction myself thinking about that crestfallen face on Veruca ... ;-P
Having only boys, there is a part of me that is thankful that I won't have to deal with my daughter becoming a member of a posse like this. God forbid-the ringleader.
But--on the flip side, my son is an active follower of the "problem kid" in kindergarten. The kid that gets everyone into trouble....My son finds him FASCINATING. After countless notes sent home suggesting to me that I encourage him to make responsible choices in who to sit by-
I had to tell my son-after many suggestions of sitting by someone else....that ____ is not behaving, so mommy and daddy don't want you to sit by him anymore--find someone else to be friends with.
I imagine him going to school and telling the kid, "My mom said I can't be friends with you..."
I found out that this family will be moving away next year. I couldn't be happier.
They are what?? 4? and already doing this???!?
I think I need to take stock in Advil :(
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