I am not feeling particularly controversial today, but I will try to put forth some observations anyway, as you are no doubt intrigued by me after reading my fascinating meme. This picture here is of the Caboose. At his holiday sing-along. He is goddamn cute, is what he is. His teachers drew on his nose with lipstick. That's me behind him. Somehow this photo makes it look like I have a really smokin' bod. Trust me, I don't. But you do get a good look at my preternaturally long thumbs.
On Monday, I submitted our enrollment application for kindergarten for the Booper. While I love to sing the praises of the city by the Bay, this is one part of living in SF that is jacked up. You have to apply for public school. You supply a list of 7 schools you would send your child to, in order of preference. Then the school district has a "lottery" in which you are assigned to a school, hopefully from your list. So there is no guarantee that my kids will get into the elementary school that is just 3 blocks from my house. Our alternative to this is to pay $20K/yr for private school (I sh*t you not). Some people send their kids to Catholic school, which is about half that much, but that's not an option for us. I know, I know. Jewish people send their kids to Catholic schools, too. blah blah blah. We've been over this. Not. Gonna. Happen.
I think I've decided to vote for Barack Obama. While I totally dig the idea of a woman President, I am annoyed at this current trend of passing the Presidency around like a joint, as Mos Def would say. Let's give someone else a turn. Especially if that someone else is Hapa!
About 17 years ago, I was dating this dude. He is now married and has a son. He keeps a blog about his son, and just posted a bunch of pictures of their holiday in Ohio. I lurked over there and checked them out. He looks old, my ex-boyfriend, and is still as dull and unoriginal as he ever was, but his kid is really cute. This was the boyfriend who taught me the valuable lesson that sometimes shyness can be a form of hostility.
Alright, I'm going to make a concerted effort now to do some work. Especially since Halfmama and I are trying to plan a family vacation for this summer. But I'll be back. As soon as something pisses me off, and that can't be long from now.
Not that I'm much of a political animal but frankly I think all of the people running are equally qualified, period. That said, Hill reminds me of my mother -- a very sharp Scorpio woman (since when are they ever NOT sharp)prone to pontification and accomplishment recitation(please stop talking about your book from nearly 10 years ago and your years of fighting for children and being First Lady, what about your current Senate record). Crap she even rocks out to music like my mom does (I saw some YouTube thingie and it scared me).
As for Obama -- I was chatting w/an older woman the other day and we were making convo about my kid and his name and then I brought up how my mom thought we should have named him Andre (this actually deserves a blog posting but whatev) and she said oh but isn't your son's name a former prez first name...maybe he can be prez one day. And without skipping a beat I said well if Obama wins maybe one day that can happen. At that moment we gave each other a knowing look, as in we get it. So I totally hear you on the give the hapa guy the vote. I have a feeling though that NY will go to Hill...
He IS goddamn cute and we can't wait to see him again! You have a smokin' bod, what are you talking about?? Not that I've noticed because that would just be weird.
Hmmm... have I met ex-bf dude? And what's with the hostile shyness thing? Elaborate, please.
Sigh... that halfmama, wherever I go, she forcefeeds me her dust. *blush* You DO love me despite my blase attitude toward baseball. Well, I am a Yankees fan... only because George Costanza worked for the Yankees. And yes, I am a die-hard Seinfeld fan.
Those are some sexy long thumbs. Love them! And if a photo can really give one a smokin' bod that he/she allegedly doesn't have, I must be doing something wrong with MY photos.
Caboose is damn cute.
Not that I can vote yet... although, from practical reasons, i.e. more years of experience and cannot possibly stand the thought of 4 more years of horrendous politics, I would have supported Edwards - I guess I don't have a lot of faith that certain people would be able to look past his race... but if I did, Obama all the way, baby.
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