Once again, I find myself struck dumb by a post on Kimchi Mamas. Here is today's pearl:
"I've dated many Jewish guys (am dating one right now) and many of my BFFs (Best Friend Forevers) have been Jewish too. I've noticed that what Asians (regardless of religion) and Jews have in common is the drive for success. Jewish comedians often talk about nagging moms, moms bragging about their sons and daughters' education, jobs, etc...I'm wondering if others on this board have noticed this too...
Posted by: Cynthia C Thursday, November 01, 2007 at 08:20 "
First, I love how she literally tells us that some her best friends are Jews. Then the knish queen lumps all the Jews together, based on stereotypes she has heard from Jewish comedians, and indulges in some facile, race-baiting sweeping generalities about Jews & Asians. Who is this broad? And does she mean to imply that Latinos, African-Americans, Whites, and Christians do not have a drive for success?
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I thought she was joking at first so I posted a comment, but then I went back to the previous day's comments and realized that she doesn't seem to joke much and probably wasn't joking, so I deleted it. Weird.
But, I am guilty of joking about this too. One of G's parents' (Jewish) friends told my mom at our rehearsal dinner that Jews and Koreans are a lot alike, and referred to the 'drive for success' as well. She was half-joking and half-serious. Of course, my mom laughed but didn't really know what to say to that.
She also posted this:
How is this a Korean thing? Or even an Asian thing? I know white kids who are expected to go to law school or business school and take after their parents too. On the television show ER, John Carter (played by Noah Wyle) is from a wealthy family. His parents don't seem too pleased that he chose medicine over business. This isn't just in fiction. It happens in real life too.
Posted by: Cynthia C | Monday, October 29, 2007 at 12:15 PM
On the Do Korean parents put too much pressure on their kids? post.
I don't get it, is she trying to prove there is a correlation between Jewish and Korean people?
It seems odd, almost like she is out for an argument.
(I do think it is funny that no one responded to her on the Open Thread Thursday.)
Oi, this chick bugs me. To put it simply. I guess it's a vibe I get from her comments along the lines of cultural superiority. Her's is the only experience that matters so everyone else's must be false and completely foreign out of the realm of understanding for her. I responded to her comment on the whole Korean parents pressure thing and got this:
OK, Honglien, let's use a real life example:
My entire high school. It was probably less than half minority by the senior grades, and every person was expected to go to a four year university. No ifs, and or buts. A few girls, who were legacies (in the 90s, practically anyone who was a legacy, or, daughter an alumna, was white.)who had been at the school since kindergarten, were struggling with the tough prep school curriculum and were worried that they wouldn't get into even their safety school. The parents worried with them and sent them to tutors, special help, etc. Expulsion is a last resort when it comes to bad grades.
Jewish parents are like this too. My boyfriend says he has aunts and uncles who brag about their kids being doctors or lawyers, schools they attend, etc, etc...It's about being accomplished.
Back to fiction: In Pride and Prejudice, there's a scene where Lady Catherine asks Elizabeth about her education. Now, that was the early 1800s. Two hundred years later, Lady C would be asking Elizabeth about her job, and probably criticizing her that she isn't a lawyer in a big firm.
Posted by: Cynthia C | Tuesday, October 30, 2007 at 10:25 AM
Ugh, maybe if I stick to tenuous correlations between 18th century British literature and modern Asian Asian American experience she'll deem that relevant.
I have noticed that her posts are usually based on some ridiculous if...then argument based on her very limited life experience (frequently from TV.) She is not a mother, so she has no idea when it comes to that part of KimchiMAMAS. But she loves to get into racial generalizations of the most sweeping kind. I would love to flame her, but am resisting the urge because valid points would be lost on her. She gives "anecdotal evidence" an all new meaning.
:-) She does remind me a little of this other commenter "jstele" who had a similar tone. Her body-image obsession (on her websites) is a bit odd... and I'm not altogether sure she comes to Kimchi Mamas to be a part of the community. Perhaps to bring people over to her websites?
I do think she is really young, either age-wise or maturity-wise... and doesn't always see the scope of her own comments.
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