Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Halmuni Review

As advertised, Harabuji and Yoko came to visit last week. Sweet people, both of them, and we had a very enjoyable time. To be frank, I love anyone who loves my kids. And those two really dote on them and shower them with affection and complements, so what's not to love? Yoko has her heart in the right place, tries very hard to be helpful (even if this means cramming my fridge with unidentifiable food stuffs), and takes great care of Harabuji, which is a mitzvah, as my people would say.

So what up with the Halmuni? went down a little something like this. Right from the get go, we stuck with calling her Yoko. This was fine until the day that H & Yoko took the kids to the zoo. I learned, via Booper, that on the outing they were encouraged to call her Halmuni. To complicate matters, later that evening we were talking about ways in which our sons are similar to the Huz, a.k.a. The Handyman, at the same age. For fun, Handy decided he would bring up a digital photo of himself and his family from back in the day. So there is Harabuji, Handy, HalfMama, Komo, and Halmuni (the real Halmuni) in living color. Booper asks who is who in the picture, and Handy runs it down. Once he says, "and this is Halmuni," there was utter silence. Crickets, people.

Long. Awkward. Silence.

But that's as close as we came to bringing up the subject. Healthy, huh? We just ignored it and hoped it would go away. Which it seemed to do. For now.

On another topic, I don't know how many of you out there follow baseball, but I do, avidly. And while I will save all my baseball opinions for another time, and warn you in advance so you can avoid that post, I just have to take the opportunity to say publicly that I feel Barry Bonds is a complete and utter tool. I cannot scrape together one iota of enthusiasm for his new "record" and I'm just counting the days until A-Rod or someone else can break it and rid us of this plague. It's no mistake that the Booper's middle name is Aaron.


Anonymous said...

Yuck. Glad I wasn't there. Yes, we're a healthy bunch.

But what's up with the Halmuni thing during the zoo trip? I don't like this at all... When (if) they ever make it here, I'm going to have to nip this one in the bud.

honglien123 said...

My parents were actually at that game. They were less than excited since they had no clue what was going on. When they got home, I clarified it for them. Babe Ruth had a record, Hank Aaron beat it, now Barry Bonds sort of beat it, but not to worry, A-Rod will probably beat that in no time. Cleared everything up completely.

Sorry to hear about the Long.Awkward.Silence we had one of those after my aunt died and my uncle remarried (a woman my age btw). When she's around we just address each other as "you" and "hey". My uncle learned to live with it.

Sandra B. said...

I have something like this going on with my parents. My parents are divorced, but my mother remarried. I want my daughter to call my father "Grandpa." But my mother wants my daughter to call her husband "Grandpa." Me=WTF no way. I do not like my mother's husband. He is creepy, and radiates car salesman vibes. I would actually prefer my daughter to call him by his first name, but maybe I can figure out something for my daughter to call him in Korean, like uncle or something like that.