Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Chaji Update

In response to some of the comments from my last post--did I mention how much I appreciate the comments? I'm amazed anyone reads this thing, let alone comments on it--I have done some cursory research into the appropriateness of the word chaji. I have found the following:

1. Chaji is an acceptable Japanese word for Tea Ceremony. It may mean that in Korean also, but I can neither confirm or deny.

2. My son said "chaji" once in front of his Korean grandfather and his grandfather's equally Korean , not to mention old school, girlfriend and they both just giggled. No signs of outrage or disapproval.

3. If you google the word chaji, my blog comes up as the 6th entry! That's hot!

4. My husband can shed no light on whether chaji is considered an acceptable word to use for p*nis. No surprise here.

5. My other SIL (not halfmama), who is quite proper herself, has used the word chaji and heard us use chaji without any untoward reaction. If you knew her, you'd know that she is not the type to tolerate a lot of potty-mouth. Halfmama, on the other hand, can be counted on to scream "c*cks*cker" at the drop of a hat.

6. Someone's MySpace page contains the following: "massagie the chaji." Ew.

7. I see chaji listed in the lyrics of several Korean songs. This makes me wonder if it has some alternate meaning, or maybe Korean Gangsta Rap is a burgeoning genre.


honglien123 said...

I have heard Korean "gangsta" rap, it's quite interesting.

PS Sorry for not responding to your comment on my blog awhile back (been super busy). It would be great to meet up with you and halfmama (whenever she comes by)and I am always up for an A's game.

Anonymous said...

Chaji chaji chaji. Chaji chaji chaji chaji.

Since I have heard my dad occasionally use English curse words when imitating Americans ("Hey, what the f*ck?" and "Sh*t! Are you okay?") and then laughing at himself, I'm not sure if we are the proper gauge for Korean manners.

Thank you for not mention Joanie Loves Chachi. Thank you.

C*cks*cker c*cks*cker c*cks*cker.