Saturday, April 26, 2008
Round 2 -- Skunked Again
Let me back up: The letter told us that he did not get a spot in the Korean Immersion program, nor did he get a spot in any of the other schools we requested. He will remain in a waiting pool for the Korean Immersion, but the chances of that working out are slim to none. It would require that a family that already has a spot relinquish it for some reason. Historically, this is rare, and rarer still in these highly coveted language immersion programs. So how do you say, "You're fucked" in Korean.
So my child has no kindergarten assignment for next year. If we wanted to, we could check out some of the schools that still have spaces like The Asbestos Laden School or Cripsandbloods Elementary. The only good news is that he does have a spot in the lovely pre-K program at his current preschool where they will teach him to read and write and where he will have a wonderful year of stimulating curriculum with his current group of friends. So we can go through this bullshit again next year.
The preschool is great. In fact, the Caboose's class is do a project on cultural diversity. The teacher made them passports to travel the world. Their first destination was Africa. This week they went to Korea! All the Korean moms of beautiful Hapa children in this class (there are 3 half-Korean/half-white tots in just this class) brought in han bok and treats for the kids. It was wonderful.
Alright, I'm going off to mope somewhere.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
A teeny tiny update

Because I can't leave well enough alone, I called the Educational Placement Center today for a little more information. I have a few clarifications to report: 1) The Round 2 letters are mailed on April 28th, so look for me to post results on the 29th or 30th. 2) As of COB today, there are 6 children in the waiting pool for Korean Immersion. That's actually not too bad. Last year there were 10. And of that 10, 2 families got spots. But they are not finished yet entering all the applications, so this number "changes daily." What they could not yet tell me is how many spots at the school are open. (Those who were offered seats had to accept them by March 21st, or they are offered to families in the waiting pool. Naturally, I'd like to know how many, if any, seats remain open.)
I will say one thing: The people who answer the phone at this place are always really friendly. You'd think, after months of dealing with neurotic parents, they would be kind of fed up. Maybe they are just drunk with power.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Round 2